Scope and Sequence
Bookbot's decodable books are crafted using a well-researched leveling system. When creating a child’s profile, you can pick a starting unit. You can read a sample sentence showcasing each unit’s difficulty.
Bookbot’s starting units are labeled green, red, blue, orange, yellow, and purple, and match with the units in the Scope and Sequence. Each unit represents a grouping of skills arranged in order of complexity.
Children have the freedom to switch their reading skill level anytime by tapping the reading skill button. The skills screen tracks their progress at each level, displaying a tick when they've reached proficiency.

Upon selecting a new skill level, children can explore all the books within that level. They are encouraged to discover different levels but can always opt for a lower level if a book seems too challenging. In the future, this adjustment will be made automatically based on the child's reading accuracy and fluency.
Each book cover highlights the skill focus, providing a helpful guide for the child's reading journey.

The Bookbot Scope and Sequence chart presents all the Units, levels and focus skills in a clear, easy-to-understand table.

You can conveniently download or print our Scope and Sequence chart for future reference by clicking on these links.